Welcome to Your Dentist in Woodland
Dentist in Woodland
We love to see you smile
Really, we do. That’s because we take great pride in offering the most up-to-date cosmetic dental techniques in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, served up by the most knowledgeable and experienced cosmetic dentists in the field. We know that every great smile–your smile–is the sign that we’ve done our job to provide the highest level of care in the industry.
General and Implant Dentistry Specialists
We’ve created a cosmetic dental practice that puts your smile out there–front and center–for everyone to see. You’ll love the results that we can get with our combination of latest technology and experienced, caring dental professionals.Amara Dental Center staff gives you VIP service in your preference of relaxation, reading material, or you may request to play a movie while you wait.
Cosmetic dentistry has advanced by leaps and bounds over the years. Gone are the procedures of old that delivered substandard results. Now, almost anything can be accomplished with the right technology and know how. We use the latest technology, and all of our dentists are thoroughly trained in the latest techniques.
That, combined with our unwavering commitment to you, results in an experience that’s unlike any other in the cosmetic dentistry field. You’ll immediately feel at ease, and our initial consultation will help you map out a complete cosmetic dental plan that achieves superior results.
Awards & Recognition
➥ Dr. Jatinder Rooprai has been 2 times winner of BEST of Sacramento Dentist.
➥ Our Doctors are award winning Diamond Plus invisalign Providers, with over 10,000 smiles treated with Invisalign.
➥ Dr. Jatinder Rooprai has been selected BEST of Sacramento Dentist by his peers, public voting.
➥ Dr. Jatinder Rooprai has been awarded with US Senate Award for community services.
➥ Winner of Veteran Support Award and recognized by Assemblyman for providing free dental services to veterans.